Hair Transplant Surgery Can CURE Migraines, a Study Revealed
We have all heard and read that a hair transplant is a known solution to all our balding and hair thinning problems, but could it be a cure for migraines too?
Migraines are severe recurring headaches known for striking down individuals with excruciating pain in the head and face. It is usually accompanied by nausea, tingling in some parts of the body, blind spots, and sensitivity to light. Migraines can last for hours and even days. If you suffer from a migraine, you would know that this condition can be a huge impediment to your daily work routine.
Although the exact causes of this medical condition are unknown, medical experts suggest migraines are linked to hyperactivity in the brain. Some also claim that migraines are often genetic and run in an individual’s family history.

Is there a cure for a migraine?
In spite of medical treatments, like exercises, drugs, diet, and yoga, many patients still report getting a recurring attack. Some medical experts and scientists have started exploring alternative options such as cosmetic surgeries and procedures to mitigate migraine symptoms.
According to a study, over 38 million people in the US alone suffer from a migraine. Thus, people are constantly looking for alternative therapies and non-conventional methods to reduce this condition.
A recent study published in a medical journal claims that hair transplant surgery can CURE migraine headaches. This medical study is unique of its kind where researchers confidently claim that undergoing hair transplants can cure the condition permanently.
In the study, medical experts examined the progress of six migraine suffering individuals who underwent hair transplant surgeries. All six individuals reported no migraines following the surgery. Could this really be possible?
Hair transplant procedures at a glance!
Before we explore how hair transplant surgeries can cure migraines, it is vital that you know how these cosmetic procedures work?
Firstly, you will need to consult a reputed clinic and a professional hair transplant doctor. They will examine your balding pattern and offer appropriate suggestions. There are two donor methods used during surgical hair restoration – Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS) and Follicular Unit Extraction(FUE).
Both the techniques include grafting of hair from its actual location to inserting them into your balding area on the scalp. In the FUSS technique, your surgeon takes a strip of hair from the back of your head, dissects it into follicular unit grafts and implants them into the balding area. While in the FUE technique, your surgeon will extract each follicular unit individually from the scalp and then implant them into the balding areas. After 2-6 days of tenderness, you should feel pain-free and normal.
Can hair transplants cure migraines?
All the patients in the study related to hair transplantation and migraine relief underwent the FUE technique. The primary intention of undergoing hair transplant surgery was to treat balding and hair loss. Among the patients, six men and a woman reported suffering from migraines. They took medications to reduce migraine symptoms.
Following the hair transplantation procedure, migraine headaches had completely stopped in all patients. Researchers in the study followed up with all the patients for 1-5 years. Their symptoms had reduced and the overall pain index had dropped to nadir.
So, how did this breakthrough change the course of medical history? Although researchers and doctors aren’t quite sure about this, it is probably connected to the surgery damaging nerve endings on the scalp. During the procedure, a multitude of sensory tissues and nerves get detached and damaged, reducing symptoms that trigger a migraine attack.
However, during the healing process, new neural pathways are formed and the nerve signals that trigger a pain are obstructed. The new neural pathways might offer improved blood flow and neurotransmitters to the brain. Essentially, the restored and healed nerves send fewer pain signals to the brain.
The bottom line
Although the findings connecting migraine pains and hair transplant surgery is relatively new in the field of medical science, it is indeed a favorable measure for eradicating an agonizing condition. For patients who have been a victim of this unbearable condition, hair transplants can be a valuable investment.