What To Expect During a Hair Transplant From Beginning to End?

Surgical hair restoration is an outpatient surgical procedure that allows individuals to leave the same day. The length of the procedure depends on several factors. This includes the donor harvesting technique, The size of the surgical team, implantation of the follicular units, how many graphs the patient is receiving for the day and the experience of the surgeon and his or her staff. In this article, we will go over what to expect during hair transplant surgery from beginning to end.
Donor Harvesting
Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS) is a donor harvesting technique that is performed by removing a strip of donor tissue from the sides and back of the scalp. The donor tissue is then dissected under microscopes and transplanted into tiny recipient incisions made by the surgeon in the balding/thinning area. Generally, the donor harvesting portion of strip surgery can be performed within a few hours depending on the amount of grafts that are being transplanted.
Follicular Unit Excision is performed by removing the follicular units one by one with the use of a small punch. This surgical technique is more time consuming because the grafts must be delicately extracted one by one; depending on the amount of grafts that must be excised the procedure can take several hours and sometimes up to 10-12 hours.
Number of Grafts Needed
Another important factor to consider is the amount of grafts that need to be extracted and transplanted. Individuals with minor hair loss can have a small procedure over and done with on only a few hours. Conversely, individuals with extensive hair loss require a large donor harvesting with thousands of grafts being extracted. Generally, larger surgical sessions can take up to 8-10 hours maybe more depending on the hair transplant surgeon/clinic.
Hair Restoration Goals
Lastly, it is important to factor in the pre-surgery consultation that includes the surgical plan for the day and long-term strategy or master plan. In some cases, some patients do not have the opportunity to consult hair transplant Surgeons face to face, This is because they’re travelling far distances to have surgery. In these circumstances, surgeons usually take an hour before surgery to go over the goals and to ensure the patient’s expectations are realistic and can be met through surgery. At this time, patients are able to ask their surgeon specific questions regarding their procedure and what they can expect after surgery.
Generally, after the face-to-face consultation and masterplan is discussed at great lengths and in detail. The physician’s surgical staff and technicians will take the patient to the surgical room and trim or shave the donor area depending on the harvesting technique. At this time, patients are able to again discuss the hairline placement and ask for the surgeon to be more aggressive or conservative depending on their goals. The consultation process can add 1-2 hours to the procedure time overall.
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